City of York Council

Committee Minutes


SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education)


6 February 2023



















In Attendance

Group A

Penny Coppin-Siddall

Karen Vincent

Daryoush Mazloum

Ben Rich


Group B

Sue Bland


Group D

Cllr Andrew Waller (Chair)

Cllr Ian Cuthbertson

Cllr Fiona Fitzpatrick

Cllr Martin Rowley


LA Officer

Maxine Squire (Assistant Director Education and Skills)


Professional RE Advisor

Olivia Seymour (Assistant Director of Education (Distinctiveness) Diocese of York


Ian Hodgson, Taco Michiels and Andy Tod

The meeting was inquorate.



11.           Apologies for Absence [18.00]


Apologies for absence were received and accepted for Ian Hodgson, Taco Michiels and Andy Tod.




12.           Declarations of Interest [18.04]


There were no declarations of interest.




13.           Minutes of Previous Meetings and Matters Arising [18.04]


Resolved: That the minutes of the previous SACRE meetings held on 22 June 2022 and 29 November 2022 and 12 January 2023 be carried forward for approval at the meeting to be held on 23 February 2023.


Reason:     In order to approve the minutes.




14.           Membership - welcoming new Members [18.05]


Karen Vincent (Group A) and Sue Bland (Group B) were formally welcomed to SACRE. Olivia Seymour was asked and explained the different groups on SACRE.


Resolved: That the Clerk include the group description for the groups with their headings on future agendas.


Reason: In order to explain the groups on SACRE agendas.




15.           SACRE Annual Report 2021-22 [18.08]


Maxine Squire advised that the KS4 results had been added to the report and the KS5 results were still pending. She reported that York outcomes remained strong compared to the national rate. She added that many SACREs had been unable to submit their annual reports and that the KS5 data (if available) would be brought to the next meeting on 23 February 2023.


Members were advised that Kirsty Wordsworth had resigned from SACRE and that Olivia Seymour would be seeking a replacement. Concerning the meeting on 23 February it was agreed that the previous minutes of SACRE meetings, SACRE Annual Report 2021-22, and virtual meetings would be added to the agenda for that meeting.


Maxine Squire outlined the 2021-22 SACRE Annual Report to Members. When detailing the SACRE budget she advised that the annual budget for SACRE was £3k and this could be used to commission training. It was noted that maintained schools were keen to have a training day in January 2024. A number of Members suggested that SACRE should give schools more involvement. Maxine Squire suggested that it would be useful to get more information on the WIRE Award for Schools initiative and take proposals about developing a similar scheme to the schools RE networks.


Resolved: That the SACRE Annual Report 2021-22 be approved at the next meeting.


Reason: In order for the Annual Report to be submitted to NASACRE and the DfE.




16.           Monitoring of Standards [18.19]


Maxine Squire noted that the monitoring of standards links to training delivered to SACRE members prior to the meeting  and that this would be developed following the pilot visits. This would help with the review of the development plan and what support RE teachers would find beneficial to support the delivery of the agreed syllabus. Olivia Seymour noted that the report on RE from Ofsted was expected before the end of 2023 and Maxine Squire added that it would be useful for SACRE to look at it, when available.


In response to a Member comment concerning their faith, Olivia Seymour noted that their faith formed part of world views in the agreed syllabus updates. Maxine Squire added that SACRE could consider the work of York City of Sanctuary and Schools of Sanctuary.


Resolved: That the update on the monitoring of standards be noted.


Reason: In order to monitor RE standards.




17.           Commitment from SACRE for the Agreed Syllabus to reflect non-religious world views [18.24]


This was taken as the next item.


Olivia Seymour noted that it would be useful for a paper to be agreed on the agenda item and added that this could include what the agreed syllabus included at present and what the Humanist Member would like. A Member noted the need to recognise that Humanism was not the only non-religious world view and another Member added that Group A did not include all religions and they suggested that advice be sought from NASACRE. Olivia Seymour added that the agreed syllabus was bound by a national framework and that SACRE membership was bound by the local authority and as such, the two were separate matters, In response from an offer from a Member of Group A to produce a sheet on their faith, Olivia Seymour advised that these had been produced as for the agreed syllabus.


Olivia Seymour detailed what information would be included in the report.


Resolved: That the Clerk would contact the Humanist Member to liaise with Olivia Seymour on a paper for the SACRE meeting in May.


Reason: In order for the agenda item to move forward.




18.           Virtual meetings [18.35]


Maxine Squire advised that SACRE would need to formally approve the change to SACRE meetings being virtual and added that the change was to encourage quoracy. A number of comments were made in relation to virtual meetings. Olivia Seymour noted that the majority of SACREs in the region had hybrid meetings.


Resolved: That virtual meetings be considered at the next SACRE meeting on 23 February 2023.


Reason: In order for meetings to be quorate.




19.           New Newsletter to schools [18.47]


Members considered the new SACRE newsletter to schools. Olivia Seymour noted that this was a start and was asked and advised that the frequency of the newsletter was to be determined by SACRE, with other SACREs producing newsletters termly. It was suggested that a template could be produced for the newsletter and Maxine Squire noted that she could ask the council print unit to produce a template. Olivia Seymour was thanked for producing the newsletter. It was suggested that the number of pages for the newsletter be limited and that they could be sent out either at the end of term or after half terms.


Resolved: That a template for the SACRE Newsletter to school be developed.


Reason: To create a framework for the newsletter.




20.           Interfaith Week 2023 [18.54]


On behalf of York Interfaith, Penny Coppin-Siddall reported that the York Interfaith competition run jointly with SACRE for Interfaith Week 2022 had been positive and that they would like to work with SACRE on a writing competition (incorporating English and RE) for Interfaith Week 2023 (12-19 November 2023). The aim of this was to support schools. A number of suggestions were made as to what form this could take and it was noted that it needed to link to Interfaith Week.


Members were invited to the Interfaith York meeting on 7 February 2023 at which Professor James Holt would be giving a presentation.


Resolved: That the update on Interfaith York and SACRE’s joint working on the competition for Interfaith Week 2023 be noted.


Reason: To develop the joint competition for Interfaith Week 2023.




21.           Correspondence on complaints / determinations [19.03]


It was reported that there had been no complaints to SACRE.


Resolved: That Members be updated on complaints.


Reason:     In order to be kept updated on complaints




22.           Work Plan [19.03]


It was suggested that it would be useful to move forward with the development plan and that a task and finish group could be formed to look at the development plan. The Clerk undertook to email Members about the formation of a task and finish group.


A Member noted that it was good to see different faiths at the Holocaust memorial service at York Minster.


There were no further additions to the work plan.




23.           Any Other Business [19.05]






24.           Future meeting dates [19.05]


Thursday 23 February 2023 at 1.30pm at Ralph Butterfield Primary School.








Cllr Waller, Chair

[The meeting started at 18.00 and finished at 19.05].